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Joint Photographic Experts Group
  1. Unit Conversion App Download
  2. Free Conversion Calculator App
  3. Unit Of Measurement Conversion App
  4. Unit Converter App Free

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Unit Conversion App Download

A JPEG is a type of image format that is saved using the method of lossy compression. The output image, as result of compression, is a trade-off between storage size and image quality. Users can adjust the compression level to achieve the desired quality level while at the same time reduce the storage size. Image quality is negligibly affected if 10:1 compression is applied to the image. The higher the compression value, the higher the degradation in image quality. JPEG image file format was standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group and, hence, the name JPEG. The format has been the choice of storing and transmitting photographic images on the web. Almost all Operating systems now have viewers that support visualization of JPEG images, which are often stored with JPG extension as well. Even the web browsers support visualization of JPEG images.
PowerPoint Presentation
A file with PPT extension represents PowerPoint file that consists of a collection of slides for displaying as SlideShow. It specifies the Binary File Format used by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. A PPT file can contain several different types of information such as text, bulleted points, images, multimedia and other embedded OLE objects. Microsoft came up with newer file format for PowerPoint, known as PPTX, from 2007 onwards that is based on Office OpenXML and is different from this binary file format. Several other application programs such as OpenOffice Impress and Apple Keynote can also create PPT files.
Joint Photographic Experts Group
A JPEG is a type of image format that is saved using the method of lossy compression. The output image, as result of compression, is a trade-off between storage size and image quality. Users can adjust the compression level to achieve the desired quality level while at the same time reduce the storage size. Image quality is negligibly affected if 10:1 compression is applied to the image. The higher the compression value, the higher the degradation in image quality. JPEG image file format was standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group and, hence, the name JPEG. The format has been the choice of storing and transmitting photographic images on the web. Almost all Operating systems now have viewers that support visualization of JPEG images, which are often stored with JPG extension as well. Even the web browsers support visualization of JPEG images.
PowerPoint Presentation
A file with PPT extension represents PowerPoint file that consists of a collection of slides for displaying as SlideShow. It specifies the Binary File Format used by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. A PPT file can contain several different types of information such as text, bulleted points, images, multimedia and other embedded OLE objects. Microsoft came up with newer file format for PowerPoint, known as PPTX, from 2007 onwards that is based on Office OpenXML and is different from this binary file format. Several other application programs such as OpenOffice Impress and Apple Keynote can also create PPT files.

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Unit Of Measurement Conversion App

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Convert documents in .NET (C#, VB, etc) with high quality and high performance file conversion API.
Explore GroupDocs.Conversion API

Unit Converter App Free

Open-source angular based front-end solution integrated with GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET.
Checkout Angular File Conversion UI
GroupDocs.Conversion for JAVA Spring
GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET Webforms

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